Home Enthronement
What is it?
A home Enthronement involves a 1-hour Home Enthronement ceremony conducted by a priest in your home where prayers are said, you publicly announce Jesus Enthroned as King of your home with Consecration to Mary. You will get your home blessed in every room. There are 12 promises associated with Enthroning your home to the Sacred Heart of Jesus. Your home becomes a domestic church. A loving, praying family leads others to His most Sacred Heart and Mary's Sorrowful and Immaculate Heart.
Who is it for?
Families wanting the Protection of Jesus as King of their homes and Mary as Queen.
How do I get this done?
Please contact your local home Enthronement lay coordinator, John Gionti at 814-282-5246.
Any other questions?
Please feel free to contact Mrs. Kristin Stracinsky, Work Apostolate of Fatima National Chairperson for Home Enthonements at 903-495-2020.