Liturgical Ministries
Altar Server
Any child who has made their First Communion and is in 3rd grade or up may become an altar server.
Extraordinary Minister of the Eucharist
These extraordinary ministers of the Eucharist assist the Presider in the distribution of the Eucharist during weekend and weekday liturgies. Training is provided for parishioners who are interested in becoming Eucharistic Ministers. Ministers serve on a rotating basis at the Masses of their choice. Visitation Eucharistic Ministers visit our homebound in their homes, nursing homes and hospitals.
Our greeters warmly welcome you at the entrances and exits of the church. They minister to people attending Sunday Mass by assisting with seating, gathering the offertory collection and aiding with any helpful information.
Lectors proclaim the Word of God at weekday, Sunday and Holy Day Masses. Training is provided for all new lectors.
The Choir provides music for the Sunday Mass, Holy Days and the Holidays. No auditions are required. The choir sings a variety of styles and levels of musical difficulty. All voices and abilities are welcome.
Scrip Loaves & Fishes
An ongoing fundraiser for Seton Catholic School using gift cards from local merchants. Gift cards do not expire and are used like cash, with a set percent going to the school.